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Technische Gebäudeausrüstung

573 Suchergebnisse

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Norm [AKTUELL] 2022

ASME A17.6:2022
Standard for Elevator Suspension, Compensation, and Governor Systems

ab 116,60 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 108,97 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2007

ASME A17.7/CSA B44.7:2007
Performance-Based Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators

ab 165,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 155,05 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2021

ASME A17.8/CSA B44.8:2021
Standard for wind turbine tower elevators

ab 104,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 98,04 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2023

ASME A17.9/CSA B44.9:2023; CSA B44.9/ASME A17.9:2023
Elevator Buffers

ab 48,20 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 45,05 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2024

ASME A17.10/CSA B44.10:2024; CSA B44.10/ASME A17.10:2024
Escalator and moving walk braking systems

ab 53,50 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 50,00 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2023

ASME A90.1:2023
Sicherheitsanforderungen an Personenaufzüge mit Gurtantrieb

ab 85,60 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 80,00 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2022

ASME B30.23:2022
Personnel Lifting Systems

ab 73,80 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 68,97 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2018

ASME QEI-1:2018
Anforderungen an die Ausbildung von Aufzugsinspektoren

ab 79,20 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 74,02 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Technische Regel [AKTUELL] 2020

ASME STP-SA-092:2020
Comparison Report between ASME A17.1/B44 and ISO 8100-1/2 Requirements for Electric Elevators

ab 78,10 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 72,99 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Technische Regel [AKTUELL] 2020

ASME TR A17.1-8.4:2020
Guide for Elevator Seismic Design

ab 127,30 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 118,97 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2023-11-30

UL 104:2023-11-30
Sperren und Kontakte für Aufzugtüren

ab 430,10 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 401,96 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2007-04-05

UL 1323:2007-04-05

ab 540,40 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 505,05 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2016-10-14

UL 1340:2016-10-14

ab 540,40 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 505,05 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2010-04-14

UL 2344:2010-04-14
Material lifts

ab 540,40 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 505,05 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2022

AS 1735.1.1:2022
Lifts, escalators and moving walks, Part 1.1: General requirements

ab 81,10 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 75,79 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2021

AS 1735.1.2:2021
Lifts, escalators and moving walks, Part 1.2: Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Lifts for the transport of persons and goods - Passenger and goods passenger lifts

ab 232,50 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 217,29 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2021

AS 1735.1.3:2021
Lifts, escalators and moving walks, Part 1.3: Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Examinations and tests - Design rules, calculations, examinations and tests of lift components

ab 180,30 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 168,50 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2021

AS 1735.1.4:2021
Lifts, escalators and moving walks, Part 1.4: Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Existing lifts - Rules for the improvement of safety of existing passenger and goods passenger lifts

ab 116,10 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 108,50 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2020

AS 1735.4:2020
Lifts, escalators and moving walks Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Electric and hydraulic service lifts

ab 180,30 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 168,50 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2019

AS 1735.5.1:2019
Lifts, escalators and moving walks Safety of escalators and moving walks - Construction and installation (EN 115-1:2017, MOD)

ab 180,30 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 168,50 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2019

AS 1735.5.2:2019
Lifts, escalators and moving walks - Safety of escalators and moving walks - Rules for the improvement of safety of existing escalators and moving walks (EN 115-2:2017, MOD)

ab 81,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 76,54 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2019

AS 1735.5.3:2019
Lifts, escalators and moving walks Safety of escalators and moving walks - Correlation between AS 1735.5:2015 and AS 1735.5.1:2019 (CEN/TR 115-3:2017, MOD)

ab 81,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 76,54 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2019

AS 1735.5.4:2019
Lifts, escalators and moving walks Safety of escalators and moving walks - Interpretations related to AS 1735.5 series of standards (CEN/TS 115-4:2015, MOD)

ab 139,70 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 130,56 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 1986

AS 1735.8:1986
Lifts, escalators and moving walks (known as the SAA Lift Code) Inclined lifts

Dieser Artikel wurde geändert durch: AS 1735.8 AMD 1:1989

ab 57,30 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 53,55 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 1989

AS 1735.8 AMD 1:1989
Lifts, escalators and moving walks (known as the SAA Lift Code) - Inclined lifts


Norm [AKTUELL] 2020

AS 1735.8.1:2020
Lifts, escalators and moving walks, Part 8.1: Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Lifts for the transport of persons and goods - Electric lifts with inclined path (EN 81-22:2014, MOD)

Diesen Artikel bestellen wir extra für Sie, daher kann die Lieferung 1-2 Wochen in Anspruch nehmen.

ab 210,40 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 196,64 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 1994

AS 1735.9:1994
Lifts, escalators and moving walks Special purpose industrial lifts

Dieser Artikel wurde geändert durch: AS 1735.9 AMD 1:1998

ab 71,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 67,20 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 1986

AS 1735.11:1986
Lifts, escalators and moving walks (known as the SAA Lift Code) Fire-rated landing doors

ab 18,80 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 17,57 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2020

AS 1735.12:2020
Lifts, escalators and moving walks Facilities for persons with disabilities (EN 81-70:2018, MOD)

ab 97,50 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 91,12 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 1998

AS 1735.14:1998
Lifts, escalators and moving walks Low-rise platforms for passengers

Dieser Artikel wurde geändert durch: AS 1735.14 Ruling 1:2014

ab 57,30 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 53,55 EUR exkl. MwSt.


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