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9.625 Suchergebnisse

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Norm [AKTUELL] 1997-08-30

ABNT NBR 13927:1997-08-30
Pitch - Determination of coking value by gravimetric method

ab 19,40 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 18,13 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2013-05-02

ABNT NBR 14065:2013-05-02
Petroleum distillates and viscous oils - Determination of density and specific gravity by digital densimeter

ab 51,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 48,50 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2008-12-08

ABNT NBR 14066:2008-12-08
Lubricating oil - Analysis of barium, calcium, magnesium and zinc by atomic absorption spectrometry

ab 49,20 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 45,98 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2007-03-26

ABNT NBR 14157-1:2007-03-26
Lubrificating oils - Determination of evaporation loss by the Noack Part 1: Using Woods Metal

ab 60,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 56,92 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2007-03-26

ABNT NBR 14157-2:2007-03-26
Lubricating oils - Determination of evaporation loss by the Noack method Part 2: Woods metal free

ab 60,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 56,92 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2013-03-13

ABNT NBR 14157-3:2013-03-13
Lubricating oils - Determination of evaporation loss method Noack Part 3: Selby-Noack

ab 33,60 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 31,40 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2009-09-24

ABNT NBR 14172:2009-09-24
Petroleum oils and synthetic fluids - Determination of emulsion characteristics

ab 25,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 24,21 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2009-05-11

ABNT NBR 14248:2009-05-11
Petroleum products - Determination of acid and base number - Indicator method

ab 57,00 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 53,27 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2013-06-04

ABNT NBR 14325:2013-06-04
Lubricating oils with polymeric additives - Determination of shear stability by european diesel injector apparatus at 30 and 90 cycles

ab 57,00 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 53,27 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 1999-06-30

ABNT NBR 14329:1999-06-30
Petroleum asphalt cement - Quick determination of water resistance (adhesion) of coated coarse aggregate

ab 19,40 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 18,13 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2012-07-09

ABNT NBR 14358:2012-07-09
Petroleum products - Calculating viscosity index from kinematic viscosity

ab 49,20 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 45,98 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2013-04-18

ABNT NBR 14359:2013-04-18
Biodiesel and Petroleum products - Determination of corrosiveness by the copper strip method

ab 51,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 48,50 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2012-11-19

ABNT NBR 14393:2012-11-19
Asphalt emulsions - Determination of sifting

ab 19,40 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 18,13 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2013-11-05

ABNT NBR 14448:2013-11-05
Lubricant oil, petroleum products and biodiesel - Determination of acid number by potentiometric titration

ab 69,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 65,33 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2009-09-23

ABNT NBR 14478:2009-09-23
Gasoline - Determination of oxidation stability by induction period method

ab 42,70 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 39,91 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2007-04-02

ABNT NBR 14491:2007-04-02
Asphalt emulsions - Determination of Saybolt Furol viscosity

ab 33,60 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 31,40 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2012-07-12

ABNT NBR 14525:2012-07-12
Fuels - Determination of gum by evaporation

ab 42,70 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 39,91 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2000-06-30

ABNT NBR 14536:2000-06-30
Valves for transportable steel containers for 20 kg of liquefied gases of petroleum (LPG)

ab 33,60 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 31,40 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2009-09-24

ABNT NBR 14541:2009-09-24
Lubricants - Determination of low temperature viscosity using Brookfield viscometer

ab 66,10 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 61,78 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2006-03-31

ABNT NBR 14542:2006-03-31
Petroleum products - Determination of oxidation characteristics of inhibited mineral oils

ab 57,00 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 53,27 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2009-07-10

ABNT NBR 14543:2009-07-10
Petroleum products - Determination of acid number by semi-micro color titration

ab 57,00 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 53,27 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2012-12-04

ABNT NBR 14598:2012-12-04
Petroleum products - Determination of the flash-point by Pensky-Martens closed cup

ab 66,10 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 61,78 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2013-09-17

ABNT NBR 14606:2013-09-17
Storage of flammable and combustible liquids - Confined space entry in underground tanks and surface

ab 33,60 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 31,40 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2006-07-17

ABNT NBR 14625:2006-07-17
Lubricating grease - Determination of extreme-pressure properties by the four-ball method

ab 49,20 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 45,98 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2010-10-08

ABNT NBR 14647:2010-10-08
Petroleum product s - Determination of water and sediments by the centrifuge method

ab 49,20 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 45,98 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2001-04-30

ABNT NBR 14675:2001-04-30
Film forming rust preventives - Guide for the determination of non-volatile content

ab 12,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 12,06 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2001-04-30

ABNT NBR 14676:2001-04-30
Rust preventive - Guide for technical reporting on environmental exposure test

ab 19,40 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 18,13 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2001-09-30

ABNT NBR 14736:2001-09-30
Asphaltic materials - Determination of effect of heat and air - Thin-film oven test

ab 25,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 24,21 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2001-11-30

ABNT NBR 14756:2001-11-30
Betuminous materials - Determination of kinematic viscosity

ab 49,20 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 45,98 EUR exkl. MwSt.

Norm [AKTUELL] 2010-02-09

ABNT NBR 14786:2010-02-09
Lubricating oils - Determination of elements by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry

ab 51,90 EUR inkl. MwSt.

ab 48,50 EUR exkl. MwSt.


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