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Publikation 2015

Successful Compliance - ISO 19600:2014 - The Practical Guide

The Practical Guide

Austrian Standards plus GmbH

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Austrian Standards plus GmbH

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Über dieses Produkt

A Compliance Management System (CMS) is a management tool that effectively supports compliant behaviour in organizations. The integration of CMS related functions and tasks into existing operational structures and processes can simultaneously enhance the effectiveness and effi ciency of a sustainable development of your organisation. The ISO 19600:2014-12-15 provides a worldwide unifi ed framework for the development, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of a CMS. The extent to which the elements are implemented is to be fl exibly adapted to the individual situation of each organisation such as its size, risk exposure, nature and complexity of structure and activities. The application to only a part of an organization is possible. This present guide provides support in the practical implementation for any types of organization independent of its legal form and appeals to compliance offi cers, risk managers as well as internal and external auditors. For executives and members of supervisory bodies it serves as handbook to safeguard their duties of care for implementing adequate measures to prevent wrongful organizational behaviour - including practical tips and examples that guide you step by step for the implementation of a CMS in your organization. Standards: ISO 19600:2014-12-01, ONR 192050:2013-02-01, ONR 192051:2015-01-15

Ausgabedatum: 01.2015

1. Auflage, 248 Seiten, Broschiert


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