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ASTM Reference Radiographs

Die ASTM Reference Radiographs (Vergleichsreihe für Durchstrahlungsbilder) beinhalten Sammlungen von Durchstrahlungsbildern, die abgestufte Inhomogenitäten, wie sie in Gussstücken und Schweißverbindungen auftreten können, darstellen.

Die Beschreibung in Worten von Inhomogenitäten in Gussstücken, z. B. Schwamm oder dendritische Schrumpfung, ist schwierig, wenn nicht gar unmöglich.

Die Gasporosität in Schweißverbindungen oder in Aluminium- und Magnesiumgussstücken stellt ein weiteres Beispiel für Inhomogenität dar, die sich für eine schriftliche Beschreibung überhaupt nicht eignet.

Inhomogenitäten können durch Vergleich mit Durchstrahlungsbildern der selben Art von Inhomogenität einfach bewertet werden.

Für jede Art von Inhomogenität gibt es vier bis acht Abstufungen, wobei Stufe 1 die Beste ist. Zu den abgebildeten Inhomogenitäten zählen Gaseinschlüsse, Schrumpfung, Fremdmaterialeinschlüsse, unvollständige Schmelze and Porosität.

Die ASTM Reference Radiographs finden weltweite Anerkennung, und in zahlreichen Werkstoffspezifikationen aus dem militärischen wie auch dem zivilen Bereich wird ihre Verwendung für die Produktabnahme vorgeschrieben.

Die Durchstrahlungsbilder können in toto verwendet werden, oder es kann entsprechend des Gebrauchs des zu bewertenden Endprodukts eine Auswahl bestimmter Bilder und Abstufungen erfolgen.

Die Verwendung der Durchstrahlungsbilder versetzt den Sachverständigen in die Lage, die Art der Inhomogenität und die Produktabnahme schnell und korrekt zu bestimmen. Der Sachverständige erhält anstatt einer Tabelle oder einem Diagramm zum Vergleich ein visuelles Bild und muss keine umfangreichen Größen- und Abstandsmessungen vornehmen.

Die ASTM Reference Radiographs ermöglichen Konstrukteuren, Herstellern und Prüfern „dieselbe Sprache zu sprechen“.


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Technische Regel [AKTUELL] 1985

ASTM RRE0155CS:1985
Reference Radiographs for E155 Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings - Volumes 1 & 2 + Active Standards

Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit. Lieferzeit ggfs. mehrere Wochen. Sie erhalten in Kürze ein Angebot bzw. nähere Informationen.

Bestehend aus ASTM RRE015501 und ASTM RRE015502. Reference Radiographs are nondestructive testing standards universally accepted because of their high reliability in accept-reject actions. Please Note: This price is for the complete set. For Individual Volumes, see below. These reference radiographs illustrate the types and degrees of discontinuities that may be found in aluminum-alloy and magnesium-alloy castings. The castings illustrated are in thicknesses of 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) and 3/4 in. (19.1 mm). RRE015501 - (Volume I): The set of reference radiographs consists of 13 plates covering discontinuities in aluminum-alloy castings and 10 plates covering discontinuities in magnesium-alloy castings. Each plate is held in an 8-1/2 by 11-in. (216 by 279-mm) cardboard frame and each plate illustrates eight grades of severity for the discontinuity in approximately a 2 by 2-in. (51 by 51-mm) area. The cardboard frames are contained in a 10-1/2 by 11-1/2 in. (267 by 292-mm) ring binder. RRE015502 - (Volume II): The set of reference radiographs consists of four plates covering discontinuities in magnesium-alloy castings only. Each plate is held in an 8-1/2 by 11-in. (216 by 279-mm) cardboard frame and illustrates eight grades of severity for the discontinuity (with the exception of discrete discontinuities, where only one example of each discontinuity is given).


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Technische Regel [AKTUELL] 1984

ASTM RRE0186CS:1984
Reference Radiographs for E186 Heavy Walled (2 to 4 1/2 in. (51 to 114 mm)) Steel Castings - Volumes I, II & III + Active Standards

Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit. Lieferzeit ggfs. mehrere Wochen. Sie erhalten in Kürze ein Angebot bzw. nähere Informationen.

Bestehend aus ASTM RRE018601, ASTM RRE018602 und ASTM RRE018603. Reference Radiographs are nondestructive testing standards universally accepted because of their high reliability in accept-reject actions. Please Note: This price is for the complete set. For Individual Volumes, see below. These reference radiographs for heavy-walled steel castings are applicable to nominal section thicknesses of 2 to 4-1/2 in. (51 to 114 mm) and consist of three separate sets as follows: RRE018601 - (Volume I): 1-MV X Rays and Iridium 192 (called "1 to 2-Mev X rays" previously) - Set of 28 plates, 5 by 8 in. (127 by 203 mm) in a 15 by 17- in. (381 by 432-mm) ring binder. RRE018602 - (Volume II): 2-MV X Rays and Cobalt-60 (called "gamma rays" previously). This includes cobalt-60 or equivalent isotope radiation and from 2-MV up to 4-MV X Rays. Set of 28 plates (5 by 8 in.) in a 15 by 17-in. ring binder. RRE018603 - (Volume III): 4-MV to 30-MV X Rays (called "10 to 24 Mev X rays" previously). Set of 28 plates (5 by 8 in.) in a 15 by 17-in. ring binder.


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Technische Regel [AKTUELL] 1985

ASTM RRE0192:1985
Reference Radiographs for E192 Investment Steel Castings of Aerospace Applications + Active Standard

Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit. Lieferzeit ggfs. mehrere Wochen. Sie erhalten in Kürze ein Angebot bzw. nähere Informationen.

Reference Radiographs are nondestructive testing standards universally accepted because of their high reliability in accept-reject actions. These reference radiographs illustrate various types and degrees of discontinuities occurring in thin-wall steel investment castings. (The reference radiographs are considered to be applicable to all thin-wall steel castings, requiring close tolerances. Such castings generally include those made by the lost wax, frozen mercury, ceramicast or shell mold processes.) They are intended to provide: A guide enabling recognition of thin-wall steel casting discontinuities and their differentiation both as to type and degree through radiographic examination. Example radiographic illustrations of discontinuities and a nomenclature for reference in acceptance standards, specifications, and drawings. The set of reference radiographs, produced with X Rays in the range from 130 to 250 kVp, consist of 16 plates 8-1/2 by 11 in. (216 by 279 mm) in a 9-3/4 by 11-1/2 in. (248 by 292-mm) ring binder.


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Technische Regel [AKTUELL] 1991

ASTM RRE0242:1991
Reference Radiographs for E242 Appearances of Radiographic Images as Certain Parameters Are Changed + Active Standard

Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit. Lieferzeit ggfs. mehrere Wochen. Sie erhalten in Kürze ein Angebot bzw. nähere Informationen.

Reference Radiographs are nondestructive testing standards universally accepted because of their high reliability in accept-reject actions. Reference radiographs for appearance of radiographic images as certain parameters are changed (4 figs., include 36 radiographs)


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Technische Regel [AKTUELL] 1975

ASTM RRE0272:1975
Reference Radiographs for E272 High Strength Copper Base and Nickel Copper Alloy Castings + Active Standard

Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit. Lieferzeit ggfs. mehrere Wochen. Sie erhalten in Kürze ein Angebot bzw. nähere Informationen.

Reference Radiographs are nondestructive testing standards universally accepted because of their high reliability in accept-reject actions. These reference radiographs illustrate various categories, types, and severity levels of discontinuities occurring in high-strength copper-base, nickel-copper, and related alloy castings. These reference radiographs are reproductions of original radiographs that contain indications of discontinuities in sand-cast manganese-nickel-aluminum bronze-alloy plates. These discontinuities are representative of those found in narrow freezing range (formerly "high shrinkage"), high-strength copper and nickel-copper alloys. These reference radiographs consist of forty-five 5 by 7-in. (127 by 178-mm) nominal size reproductions (twenty made for 1-in. (25.4-mm) plate castings exposed with low voltage X-rays for thicknesses up to and including 2 in.) and twenty-five made from 3-in. (76-mm) plate castings exposed with 2 MV X-rays or Cobalt 60 isotope for thicknesses greater than 2 in. up to and including 6 in.


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Technische Regel [AKTUELL] 1984

ASTM RRE0280CS:1984
Radiographs for E280 Heavy Walled (4 1/2 to 12 in. (114 to 305 mm)) Steel Castings - Volumes I & II + Active Standard

Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit. Lieferzeit ggfs. mehrere Wochen. Sie erhalten in Kürze ein Angebot bzw. nähere Informationen.

Bestehend aus ASTM RRE028001 und ASTM RRE028002. Reference Radiographs are nondestructive testing standards universally accepted because of their high reliability in accept-reject actions. Please Note: This price is for the complete set. For Individual Volumes, see below. These reference radiographs for heavy-walled steel castings are applicable to nominal section thicknesses of 4-1/2 to 12 in. (114 to 305 mm) and consist of two sets as follows: RRE028001 - (Volume I): 2-MV X Rays and Cobalt-60. This includes cobalt-60 or equivalent isotope radiation and from 2 MV up to 4 MV X Rays. Set of 28 plates 8-1/2 by 11 in. (216 by 279 mm) ring binder. RRE028002 - (Volume II): 4-MV to 30 MVX Rays. Each Volume consists of three categories of graded discontinuities in increasing levels of severity, and three categories of ungraded discontinuities furnished as examples only.


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Technische Regel [AKTUELL] 1975

ASTM RRE0310:1975
Reference Radiographs for E310 Tin Bronze Castings + Active Standard

Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit. Lieferzeit ggfs. mehrere Wochen. Sie erhalten in Kürze ein Angebot bzw. nähere Informationen.

Reference Radiographs are nondestructive testing standards universally accepted because of their high reliability in accept-reject actions. Reference radiographs for tin bronze castings (22 radiographs).


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Technische Regel [AKTUELL] 1988

ASTM RRE0390CS:1988
Reference Radiographs for E390 Steel Fusion Welds - Volumes I, II & III + Active Standard

Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit. Lieferzeit ggfs. mehrere Wochen. Sie erhalten in Kürze ein Angebot bzw. nähere Informationen.

Bestehend aus ASTM RRE039001, ASTM RRE039002 und ASTM RRE039003. Reference Radiographs are nondestructive testing standards universally accepted because of their high reliability in accept-reject actions. Transparencies in ringbinders.


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Technische Regel [AKTUELL] 1984

ASTM RRE0446CS:1984
Reference Radiographs E446 for Steel Castings Up to 2 in. (51 mm) in Thickness - Volumes I, II & III + Active Standards

Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit. Lieferzeit ggfs. mehrere Wochen. Sie erhalten in Kürze ein Angebot bzw. nähere Informationen.

Bestehend aus ASTM RRE044601, ASTM RRE044602 und ASTM RRE044603. Reference Radiographs are nondestructive testing standards universally accepted because of their high reliability in accept-reject actions. Please Note: This price is for the complete set. For Individual Volumes, see below. These reference radiographs illustrate various types and degrees of discontinuities occurring in steel castings that have section thicknesses up to 2 in. (51 mm). The illustrations consist of the following: RRE044601 - (Volume I): Medium Voltage (Nominal 250 kVp) X-Ray Reference Radiographs - Set of 34 illustrations (5 by 7 in.) in a 15 by 17 in. ring binder. RRE044602 - (Volume II): 1-MV X Rays and Iridium-192 Reference Radiographs - Set of 34 illustrations (5 by 7 in.) in a 15 by 17 in. ring binder. RRE044603 - (Volume III): 2-MV to 4-MV X Rays and Cobalt-60 Reference Radiographs - Set of 34 illustrations (5 by 7 in.) in a 15 by 17 in. ring binder.


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Technische Regel [AKTUELL] 1984

ASTM RRE0505:1984
Reference Radiographs for E505 Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Die Castings + Active Standard (**Radiographs in ring binder**)

Eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit. Lieferzeit ggfs. mehrere Wochen. Sie erhalten in Kürze ein Angebot bzw. nähere Informationen.

Reference Radiographs are nondestructive testing standards universally accepted because of their high reliability in accept-reject actions. These reference radiographs illustrate the categories and severity levels of discontinuities that may occur in aluminum-alloy and magnesium-alloy die castings. They are intended to provide: A guide enabling recognition of discontinuities and their differentiation both as to type and severity level through radiographic examination. Example radiographic illustrations of discontinuities and a nomenclature for reference in acceptance standards, specifications, and drawings. The set of reference radiographs consists of five 8-1/2 by 11 in. cardboard frames containing radiographs covering discontinuities in aluminum and magnesium alloy die-castings. The first four frames each contain two sets of four graded levels of increasing severity, while the last frame contains two ungraded radiographs. The five frames are contained in a 10-1/2 by 11-1/2 in. ring binder. **Für DVD siehe ASTM RRE2973**


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