Standards. At DIN Media.

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Available standards and collections at a glance

Go here for a list of all collections available from DIN Media. Open the lists or search for the document(s) you are looking for.

    *DIN CWA (CEN Workshop Agreement)
    *DIN Technical Reports
    *DIN-MBL (guidelines to copyright for DIN Standards)

    *DIN SPEC, specifications

    *DIN SPEC (CWA), specifications
    *DIN SPEC (Technical Report), specifications
    *DIN SPEC (PAS), specifications
    *DIN SPEC  (prestandard), specifications
    *LN Standards (aerospace)
    *PAS (Publicly Available Specification)

    *WL  (materials handbook of German aerospace industry)

    Key: * Collection can be downloaded from DIN Media Webshop.

    All collections listed can be searched on the DIN Media Webshop.

  • Standards from other German publishers are listed here.

    *AD-Codes, *AD 2000 Code

    Study Group on Pressure Vessels at VdTÜV


    Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industriebau e. V.

    *ASR (workplace guidelines)

    Federal Republic of Germany

    *AVK Handbook (handbook of fibre composite plastics)

    AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe  e. V.

    *AWF  publications on work preparation

    Association for Economic Production

    *B-B, *B-G, *B-V, *B-VV

    German Federal legislation

    *BTGA rules

    German Federal legislative and administrative provisions


    Federal Association for Moisture Damage Control and Refurbishment of Old Buildings

    *BVF Richtlinien

    Bundesverband Flächenheizungen und Flächenkühlungen e. V.

    *BWB-WL (Material specification sheets),
    VG (German military Standards)

    Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support

    *DAfStb Guidelines

    German Committee for Structural Concrete


    Deutsche Bauchemie e. V.


    The Deutsche Einheitskommission

    *DGZfP publications

    German Society for Non-Destructive Testing

    DNV publications

    German Association for Natural Stone

    DQS publications

    German Society for the Certification of Management Systems

    *DVGW Collection

    German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water

    *DVS publications

    German Welding Society

    *DVWK, *DWA

    German Water Association

    FGK-AGK, FGK guidelines

    Specialised Group Refrigerated Cabinets

    *FLL (selection)

    Research Society Landscape Development Landscaping e. V.

    *GEFMA guidelines

    GEFMA e. V. – German Facility Management Association


    GfT Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.

    *ift guidelines

    ift Rosenheim – Institute for Window Technology

    IEV (International Electrotechnical Vocabulary, German edition)

    German Commission for Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Information Technology

    *IFBS-Fachregeln des Leichtmetallbaus                   

    Internationaler Verband für den Metallleichtbau e. V.

    *KTA (safety rules of the KTA – official publications)

    Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

    *L-G, *L-V, *L-VV

    Legislative and administrative provisions of the German Länder


    Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety

    *MGA Leaflets

    German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw materials and chemical industry


    Internationaler Verband der Anwender von Automatisierungstechnik und Digitalisierung der Prozessindustrie

    *RAB (rules for occupational safety on constructions sites)

    Federal Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

    *RAL, *RAL publications

    German Institute for Quality Assurance and Certification


    Federal Highway Research Institute

    *SEB, *SEE, *SEL, *SEP, *SEW

    Steel Institute VDEh


    Joint Committee for Electronics in Civil Engineering and Building Construction

    SPRENG-RL, *TRAM, *TRBS, TRGS, *TRLV, *TROS   (Official publications)

    Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

    (Official publications)

    Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor



    *TRAS (Technical safety for plant safety – official publications)

    Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety


    German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

    TRFL (Technical rules for pipelines)

    Federal Republic of Germany


    Technical rules on repairing water damage

    TRSKGerman Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology 

    Federal Republic of Germany


    German Association of the Automotive Industry


    Association of German Engineers


    German Engineering Federation

    *VdS guidelines

    VdS Loss Prevention

    *VFDB guidelines

    German Association for Fire Safety

    *VFF Leaflets and Guidelines

    Association for windows and facade

    *wdk collection

    The German Rubber Industry Association


    International Association for Science and Technology of Building Maintenance and Monuments Preservation


    German Sanitation, Heating and Air Conditioning Association ( ZVSHK)

    Key: * Collection can be downloaded from DIN Media Webshop.

    All collections listed can be searched on the DIN Media Webshop.

  • You don't have to go far for global standards - we can get you any document from the publisher you want. Our team Standards Worldwide will search documents for you.


    Asociacion Espanola de Normalizacion y Certificacion


    Association Francaise de Normalisation


    American Petroleum Institute

    *ARINC-Standards (Aeronautical Radio Incorporated)SAE Industry Technologies Consortia (SAE ITC®)

    AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe


    American Society of Mechanical Engineers


    American Society for Testing and Materials


    Australian Standards


    American Welding Society


    American Water Works Association


    British Standards Institution


    International Commission on Illumination


    Canadian Standards Association

    *EC-R – European Union regulations

    *EC-D – European Union Directives

    Directives and Regulations of the European Commission


    Electronic Industries Alliance

    EU, directives and regulations

     European Union


    The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.


    Connecting Electronics Industries

    *ISO Standards, *ISO Guides, ISO publications

    International Organization of Standardization


    Japanese Standards Association


    National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors


    National Electrical Manufactures Association


    National Fire Protection Association

    Austrian Standards:

    Austrian Standards Institute; Austrian Electrotechnical Association; Austrian Gas and Water Association; Austrian Water and Waste Management Association; Austrian Board of Trustees for Agricultural Engineering and Rural Development; Austrian Working Group for Noise Abatement


    Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations

    *SAC (selection)

    Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China


    Society of Automotive Engineers


    Swiss Association for Standardization


    Underwriters Laboratory Inc.

    Key: * Collection can be downloaded from DIN Media Webshop.

    All collections listed can be searched on the DIN Media Webshop.

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