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Technical rule [WITHDRAWN]

VDI 2067 Blatt 22:2017-07

Economic efficiency of building installations - Energy effort of benefit transfer for heating drinking water

German title
Wirtschaftlichkeit gebäudetechnischer Anlagen - Energieaufwand der Nutzenübergabe bei Anlagen zur Trinkwassererwärmung
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Original language
German, English

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Short description
This standard applies to all systems for heating potable water (see also DIN 1988) in buildings. It is used to determine the energy, water and auxiliary energy effort for the benefit transfer. The standard covers the calculation of the energy effort and the benefit transfer in systems for heating potable water. The calculation processes and reference values contained in this standard are used in connection with VDI 2067 Part 12 for the property-related calculation of the energy expenditure for usage and benefit transfer. In a cost calculation in accordance with VDI 2067 Part 1, the energy efforts for the (heat) thermal distribution and heat generation must be taken into account.
Replacement amendments

This document replaces VDI 2067 Blatt 22:2011-02 .

This document has been replaced by: VDI 2067 Blatt 22:2023-05 .

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