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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 2083 Blatt 20:2018-06

Cleanroom technology - Determination of the desorption kinetics of materials after fumigation

German title
Reinraumtechnik - Bestimmung der Desorptionskinetik von Werkstoffen nach Begasung
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Short description
The standard offers guidance on the assessment, selection and optimisation of the selection of materials intended for decontamination by fumigating. Examples of fumigating agents are hydrogen peroxide, ethylene oxide, chlorine dioxide and formaldehyde. The standard characterises the desorption behaviour of a given chemical compound in terms of a material property, aiming at deriving a fundamental effect on the venting behaviour of an enclosure. The standard offers guidance in optimising the venting times of enclosures by a targeted selection of materials that, during fumigation, absorb but little of the chemical compound in question and that, during venting, will quickly release the compound again. Material durability, ageing, periodic reiterations and extreme stressing by the chemical compounds in use are not considered in this standard.
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